I lift weights - just not perhaps in traditional sense.
I have to lift my cat, Pandora, quite often - and he weighs 22 lbs. ... at least.
And I still weigh 202 lbs. regardless of my public humiliation blog, so when I stand up, I'm moving 202 lbs. (but what a depressing thought).And today I played a major game of tug of war with a 1,000 lbs. horse. Well, actually, two horses, so I guess that lifting/pulling around 2,000 lbs., right?
The main problem is Najale. He knows he outweighs me, and while most of the time he is semi-well-behaved, when he sets his mind to it, he is fully aware that he can pull me right off my feet with just one sharp turn to the left.Why it is always that he turns to the left? I don't know - maybe his lateral sulcus is longer than it should be. Or maybe it's simply because he normally walks on my left side, and to be the most disobedient, he has to turn that way.
Anyway, today became a major physical battle.
And that should at least excuse the peanut butter, right?
Otherwise -- 2 x yogurt -- 300
2 x Fiber One -- 120
Manwich -- 355
2 pieces of toast and peanut butter -- 130 + 376
TOTAL -- 1,281
Thursday, August 13, 2009
at 21:37 1 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
I got my hair cut today - that should be at least three pounds off, right? I mean, I've got really heavy and thick hair, and she cut off quite a bit, so....
And I sweated a lot.... well, actually I didn't because a big rain storm blew in and cooled everything off. So I guess I can't count that.
Hmm.. what about if I cut my toenails tonight?
Yogurt x 2 -- 300
Fiber One x -- 120
Dairy Queen -- 329
Manwich -- 355
TOTAL -- 1,104
Okay, should I try to get it around 900 and keep it below? Why isn't this weight MOVING?
at 21:45 0 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Do you ever have days when everything just smells GREAT?
Today I got to hold a baby during sacrament meeting (youngest of six kids - I try to help out the mom when I can), and he smelled just that sweet baby smell that little ones have... at least until they poop.
During Sunday School, the two women sitting back of me just gave out waves of... not perfume, just shampoo and soap and maybe Tide detergent.
I taught the last hour of church - and the 12 and 13 year old girls have a scent of bubble gum, girlie shampoos, and some sort of sweet lip gloss that they all share.
And then I spent a half hour in a crowded room of Latter-Day Saints all getting called and confirmed to various church responsibilities - and it just was the aroma of lots of business suits and white shirts and women with that same shampoo/soap/Tide fragrance.
Latter-Day Saints smell very clean.
So next time I want to smell chicken soup and seasoned french fries and fresh bread and so BE NOT HUNGRY ALL DAY.
Today -
2 x yogurt -- 300
2 x Fiber one -- 120
ONE piece of toast and peanut butter -- 130 + 376
1/2 Premium Select Moose Tracks Chocolate Mint ice cream -- 400
(but listen, you gotta appreciate the fact that my husband INSISTED on ME having 'his' ice cream - and I only are a HALF. Enormous self-control on my part - ENORMOUS, people)
TOTAL -- 1,326
(Okay, so maybe I could have done with the ice cream. Let's just hope my son fills his part of the bargain and eats the last half)
at 23:57 0 comments