I finally have a yoga DVD that I'm very happy with. It's a nice pace, it's on a beautiful beach, and the guy has a pony-tail (I simply LOVE long hair on men).
Now why in the world am I NOT plugging it in every morning when it is on my regular Day-Timer Organizer 2-Page-Per-Day Daily To-Do List?
If I can get changed into something resembling my yoga work-out clothes (which can be as nice as actual yoga pants and a swanky thin t-shirt but normally is my pajamas before I take a morning shower), it usually happens.
And when the yoga mat gets unrolled in reality, not just in my dreams, okay, I'll get through at least five minutes of the warm-up.
But most of the time... I somehow walk right past the mat, which had been laid out strategically right in front of the DVD player, with that nice image of _____ facing up towards me, ignore the yoga outfit which I have laid invitingly out over the dresser....
And head straight for the computer instead.
Ideas, anyone?
(I mean, besides the obvious one of staying off my computer!!)
Friday, October 16, 2009
at 21:03 0 comments
Labels: Amazon.com, dreams, DVD, heavy breathing, male image, ponytail, reality, yoga
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I blame restrictions on advertising for my current slump in weight loss.Now, it's a wonderful idea to have limits on advertising. It's irritating to have huge signs for fast food restaurants, supermarkets and malls blocking the view of our beautiful mountains. It's a negative distraction from driving, which continues to get crazier and faster all the time, so the concept of smaller, less obtrusive symbols is great.
Except when you aren't from where you are.
Yesterday I was in a city which I don't know well (read that "Tucson"), following a medical appointment where my eyes were chemically dilated (read that "blurred vision"), trying to find Costco on the east side (read that "almost hopelessly lost") while also searching for a fast food restaurant (read that "crazed with hunger") and in need of a nap (read that "someone gimme a Diet Coke quick").

See? I'm not responsible.
at 22:58 1 comments
Labels: advertising, blame, junk food, who else is responsible