My stomach is not accustomed to international travel such as this. 
My mother-in-law does not drive. There is no regular bus available in her home town. Therefore, she eats at the two restaurants that are within reasonable walking distanc
Today, we visited a high-school buddy of my husband, and walked to a restaurant just a block from his office.
Pizza was delivered this evening (to a seven-year old boy's delight).

So why hasn't any of this international travel helped my bloated waistline?

My mother-in-law does not drive. There is no regular bus available in her home town. Therefore, she eats at the two restaurants that are within reasonable walking distanc

Today, we visited a high-school buddy of my husband, and walked to a restaurant just a block from his office.
Pizza was delivered this evening (to a seven-year old boy's delight).

So why hasn't any of this international travel helped my bloated waistline?
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