I get frustrated when my daily exercise ends up being walking the dogs once to the end of the road and back (granted, I do live in the country, and the end of the road is about a quarter of a mile) or working up a sweat by stretching a quilt onto a frame (I had no idea when I bought 7' sides that this particular quilt is almost 8' across, and it became a major struggle... with the quilt winning).

But I do spend probably 45 minutes a day simply waiting on our front porch for one or both dogs to complete their 'business' outside. Both of them have high standards of hygiene, and insist on going as far as they can from the house - and I normally am trying to be patient (especially for the greyhound, who cannot be left outside on her own - combination of no body fat and a habit to head west for the coast when not under close observation).
Yesterday, I realized I can use this time more constructively (literally) by doing calisthenics the entire time I am waiting.
Plus, if I have NOT lost any weight tomorrow when I weigh in (as fully anticipated, following Christmas), I can then blame it on MUSCLE weight gained.
AHA! Aren't I brilliant?!?
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