Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Does anyone else remember way back in the 60's, seems like when I was in fifth or sixth grade, when the plan was to officially convert the U.S. measuring system to metric by 1990?

It got voted on, and approved, and got some publicity... and then simply disappeared and never happened.

So we are just about the only nation in the world who does not use metric.

And sometimes, things just sound better in metric.

37 degrees C. sounds a lot better than 100 F. -- driving at 88 kph compared to our standard 55 mph. - somehow a 10K race is more of an accomplishment than 6.2 miles.

And since I have somehow overcome my latest little plateau, I like putting that I have lost a total of 208 oz. so far - or 5.90 kg - 5,89607 grams - and 0.001 tons.

Ugh - shouldn't have put that last one because now I feel HUGE.

But it's loss, and right now we like that!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


My dad would have one day every month where he would do nothing but drink juice - to clean out his system, he said.

Our church defines fasting as "to go without food and drink voluntarily for a certain period of time. Fasting combined with sincere prayer can strengthen us spiritually, bring us closer to God, and help us prepare ourselves and others to receive His blessings. "

And on the first Sunday of the month, we fast as a church and donate the money we would have spent on the missed meals to help those in need.

The older I get, the looser my definition of a fast has become.  Used to be two meals... then one... then I would give up something specifically (usually chocolate, which to me is a true sacrifice).

I can blame it on getting older - being on more meds - low blood sugar - sheer weakness.... yeah, mainly that last one.

So today I was pretty impressed that I actually kept (most) of a real, honest-to-goodness fast. And this evening I have NOT gone hog-wild making up for the skipped food by goobling down loads of junk.

At least as of 10:27 p.m.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.