Friday, July 10, 2009


I am Queen of Rationalization. I can justify almost anything that I really want to - have talked myself and large numbers of innocent bystanders into committing heinous acts such as... well, as in the case of... okay, maybe 'heinous' is too strong a word.

But I fully admit that I am controlled by my appetites.

For one thing, breathing. My lungs have tried repeatedly to convince me to give this up with open rebellion; and yet I still have to intake a certain amount of air every minute of every hour of every day. Has anyone come up with a twelve step program for this addiction - or a patch?

And although my church counsels us to have one monthly period of fasting, I fail regularly at this also.

So last night, when our entire congregation was asked to hold a fast today for a particular member who is critically ill (late 20's young husband and father with kidneys failing), I was determined to succeed and complete an honest and 24 hour fast.

And I did.

By not having any Caffeine-Free Diet Dr. Pepper or chocolate for 24 hours.

You do what you can, right?

So today:

Peanut butter -- 380
2 slices toast -- 130
Yogurt -- 140
Fiber One -- 120
Manwich -- 60
Hamburger Bun -- 120

TOTAL -- 950


Lisa said...

Wow!! That is all you ate all day??? You are doing great. Way to go.